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■敷地面積:1,718m2 建築面積:1,326m2 延床面積:6,245m2
Design : YAMAMOTO Riken
Location: 43-10 Miyako-machi, Nishi-Ku, Hiroshima City
Purpose of Use: Fire Station
Completed in: 2000
Structure: S + SRC
Hiroshima City Nishi Fire Station
This fire station stands on Peace Boulevard, built under the project Hiroshima 2045: City of Peace & Creativity, which employs established architects to build public facilities.
Anyone is welcome to enter; in fact, inviting visitors inside is one of the purposes of this building. The office and seminar room are both equipped with full-height glazing, aiming for an OPEN fire station.






The exterior features louvers which block rain and let wind in. Behind this exterior is a passageway (photo #4); an atrium and offices are farther back. Basically, all the rooms are fitted with full-height glazing, which makes the light reach deep into the building. However, from now on, when you have to be eco-friendly, this type of buildings will not be easily approved because of the higher air conditioning costs and more CO2 emission.

The atrium makes the interior special. It is cleverly designed to highlight metallic texture.This is where fire fighters' drills are to take place. Visitors might be able to see them do their balancing act at close hand. However, the viewers might look at the fire fighters as the zoo visitors observe the monkeys. The approach itself should be praised as highly experimental but it's not certain if this is the desirable way for the citizens to be involved.
It surely looks like a fun building for general audience, though. If you are interested in architecture, it's worth taking time to come and see it.
1) 宮本和義+建築知識編集部 2002 「中国・四国を歩こう!建築グルメマップ2」 エクスナレッジ pp11

[路面電車] 広電「西観音町」電停から徒歩1分
作成:2008/12/9 最終更新:2008/12/9 作成者:makoto/arch-hiroshima 翻訳:jasmine 使用カメラ:NikonD70 + Tokina AT-X 124 PRO DX 12-24mm, Canon PowerShot G3
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